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Loki Whitefield is a 16 year old kid with amnesia, and woke up next to his mute friend, Amethyst Wolf. Loki

Loki Whitefield
Age 16
Eye Color Blue;Red when full HB
Status Alive
Relations Dating Adrian Galloway

Whitefield is the same person as Loki the Half-Blood, except something messed up his DNA, turning his human trait dominant. Amethyst and Loki though traveled a few miles, and met Melinoe Comet. Melinoe went with them to find the Walmart, where the first person they met was Emmy Shere. Though, do to the madness inflicted on the place after Luna and Lance were killed, she commited suicide. Loki and Amethyst later parted ways, though they met each other often down the road.

Once Amethyst became a half-blood, Loki freaked out and ran from her. Later though, Amethyst sent Zathe, the half-blood that turned her half-blood, to kill Loki. Though, during to two's fight, Amethyst abruptly stopped it, telling Loki how sad he made her. Loki apologised.

Down the road, Loki met many people, including Adrian. He also put his odd medical skills to the test, and soon became the Walmart's 'doctor', often helping the others. Soon Amethyst joined the Walmart, after they encountered the Fear Shadow, a shadow in which gives it's victims visions of their worst fears. Here, he met with Reuben Callus, and them two, along with Adrian Galloway, stopped the fear shadow. Later though, he ended up being the factor that got Amethyst killed.

Later, when Luna and Lance were revived, they appeared, demanding their weapons back. In a clash, Loki got himself almost killed. Sorren Davis and Annabelle Salem appeared at this time. Skylar Raye was also hurt, for she was stabbed in the stomach.

Loki got himself in a few disputes with Jean Acelin when the Frenchman returned. Jean held suspicians that Loki stole the Walmart from Luna and Lance, killing them. Loki denied it, and they decided to settle it with a fight. Though, Jean deceived him, putting a sword to his neck. Though, due to Loki's shadow powers, Loki teleported and got Jean in a hold. Upon this, Jean yelled in French about Loki being a demon.


  • Survived a fight with Zathe
  • Killed the Fear Shadow first